The Trap Of Projection, Especially Onto Teachers & Mentors

Word count:8027

hey this is Leo for ash lies dot-org and in this episode I'm going to be talking about the trap of projection especially your tendency to project onto teachers and mentors there's a nasty phenomenon that I want to talk about which is called projection this episode is going to be all about projection all about the subtleties of projection which is especially problematic for those of us who are self-help junkies and who read a lot of self-help books go to seminars retreats watch a lot of videos if you're watching various people on YouTube or other places that sort of thing if you're reading and listening to a lot of audiobooks right you're coming into contact with teachers and mentors that's what I mean by teachers and mentors and so yes even though you do a lot of projection onto all sorts of other people in your life we're going to talk about that but mostly what I want to focus on here is the trap of projecting onto teachers and mentors because this becomes especially problematic as you go deeper into your development just as a story I remember I was reading uh some some kind of like yoga some sort of yoga book it was like there's a story there about some uh hindu yogi and basically he went around and he was like this this yoga master right enlightened and knew how to meditate and all this kind of stuff and he was very much revered and this this one student he had a brief encounter with this guy and then the master left and then the student was so enraptured by the master days at all i got to go find the master again so he spent two years traveling all around india looking for the master because master was just like a wandering ascetic yogi right and then the student finally found him after two years but he finds the master the master is a debauch ER and he's there cavorting with with naked women and drinking booze and and eating lots of food and so he's living this very materialistic lifestyle this master and the student what he does is he just ignores all that and just comes up to the master and just proclaims his faith in the master and his desire to learn from him and that was the Masters test that was the Masters test to see what the master was testing him on is whether he would be judging the master and projecting his own stuff onto the master by seeing him in this sort of materialistic situation now that's just a story I'm not saying it's true or anything but that's just a clever little story which I think illustrates what I want to communicate here about projection I know that um the reason that I wanted to even shoot this episode is because over the last year I've traveled to quite a few different retreats about consciousness like some really deep advanced um inner work type stuff with various teachers and gurus and some very profoundly profoundly enlightened people like wow just like mind-blowing levels of consciousness these people have like you would not get to that point if you did 40 years of non-stop work that's the level they're at and what I found though is that I'm sitting there for a week at this retreat you know learning a lot of learning a lot of great stuff but also projecting a lot of my issues onto the teacher and for me the way this happens is it a lot of like intellectual philosophical sort of criticisms nitpicking of what they're saying or they say one thing that I don't agree with during the whole week and then I I'm like wrapped up in it and I'm thinking about it and then that makes me question everything and maybe I'm thinking like oh well you know how can they be so ignorant if they're so enlightened how could they be so ignorant about this thing or about that thing or you know they were factually wrong on this point here so these little criticisms and also sometimes I found out like personal things about these teachers were like oh this person he was divorced twice I didn't know that I've been going to this retreat now multiple times and only now I find out he's been divorced twice like wow that that changes my perspective because I assume that you know he had this whole relationship thing handled and so that makes me start out you know project so this is projecting of my stuff on to the teacher and of course what this does this interferes the reason this topic is so important is because it interferes with your ability to really learn what the teacher has to offer you see so I've started to catch myself doing this and that's been very important because otherwise what happens is that I just kind of go into monkey mind into my own stuff and I don't really see my own agenda here and then I don't get the the full value of the workshop or the teaching and I've noticed that not only do I do this with workshops I do this with authors too like if I'm listening to an audiobook or I'm reading some sort of book I make projections which are all to do with me but not much to do with the actual teaching you know some teacher will talk about some concept I don't believe in like maybe past lives and then all of a sudden now I can't listen to that teacher anymore because like all past lives you know if you believe in past lives then I can't really listen to you or this teacher uses some kind of words that I don't maybe quite jive with and then it's like ah but that that now makes me kind of go into this criticizing mode run criticizing the teacher for doing this doing that and this is wrong and I start to nitpick and I have a whole argument in my mind about it and I notice that this sets me back I've also noticed that this happens with a lot of people who are following me because I'm sensitive to it from both ends I'm sensitive to it when I'm doing it I'm also now sensitive to it when it's being done to me because it happens to me quite a bit but before I get into that let's talk about what projection is let's define it what is projection and of course projection not only happens with your teachers and mentors but it happens with every buddy that you run into in your life so your parents your kids your spouse your girlfriend your boyfriend your friends your boss your co-workers all that stuff right so what it is is when your needs your fears your cravings and your agenda and ego color or distort how you see people okay that's what I'm defining as projection it's when you basically superimpose your emotional baggage your own stuff that's happening with you all your own [ __ ] so to speak and you superimpose that on to others and you interact with them without being aware that oh this is my [ __ ] it's not really their [ __ ] and it's not really pertinent to them at all and it says nothing about them even though I think that this stuff is about them it's really all about me but I'm not seeing it and that's what projection is also with projection you're making a lot of assumptions about the other person without really knowing them too well you make a lot of assumptions about them about what they say or about what they believe or about what their personal life is like based on your needs right on my needs if I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm making these assumption based on my needs not based on actual reality and the facts of what I know about this person but just based on my needs like maybe I have a need to know about enlightenment and then that becomes my need and I project that need onto the teacher where in fact maybe he doesn't care if I know about enlightenment or not but I do that's my need and then that distorts her colors now my interactions and my ability to listen to him or maybe I have a need of like security financial security or maybe I have a need of of love and being in a relationship and staying married but the things that the teacher is telling me might mean that my marriage is going to dissolve or it might mean that my financial situation is going to get worse or something like that or might just might seem as though it's threatening to me in some way right because what he's saying might run counter to my needs and my defense mechanisms around my needs and I make also of assumptions about that on him also what happens is thinking what the other person is thinking so it's like you try to assume you know what is that person thinking oh he's probably thinking this and he's thinking this and he's saying this like maybe he thinks I'm bad maybe he thinks I'm a bad student maybe this person there thinks that I'm fat or that I'm ugly or that I'm being too noisy or I'm being inconsiderate or that I'm not dressed really nice right and so this kind of trying to think what the other person is thinking this is a classic neurotic symptom which of course produces a lot of anxiety produces shyness produces introversion produces a lot of suffering for you and of course this happens with teachers you do it to teachers is you try to think what they're thinking but probably if you're dealing with an advanced teacher then you're not actually thinking what they're thinking and this is different than actually stepping into somebody else's shoes and changing perspectives I think that looking at the world from other people's perspectives is a very powerful strategy and I'll talk more about that in future episodes so there's nothing wrong with that what I'm saying here is that you're not really doing that what you're doing here is you're sort of stepping into the other person's shoes but still keeping your mind and all your baggage and all your emotional stuff which is not really adopting their perspective that's like you being blind to your own perspective it's really the opposite also a lot of judgments and criticisms get made a lot of them are all often very petty ones like you could judge or criticize a person's shirt a person is standing up there luxury and you're judging and criticizing his shirt which has nothing to do with the lecture or you're judging criticizing his haircut or something like that or you know they might be more pertinent judgments so that goes on there's a lot of stories you start to create stories about this person about their personal life stuff that you have no idea about really but you're creating this whole narrative in your mind and then that person is sort of now seen in that context is artificial fantasy construct that you've created now the person is in that milieu and that of course changes how that person is seen by you and how you feel about that person and this is of course how enemies get created so the creation of enemies is classic projection if you feel like you have enemies in life it's because you're projecting them you don't really have enemies in life that's a projection and also you create disagreements right so if you're ever disagreeing vehemently with somebody especially you you're driving down the road in your car and you're still disagreeing with them even though they're not there you're disagree with them in your head that's projection and also generally what I found is this kind of feeling like you know the person just because you've listened to them a couple of times like maybe you've gone to a couple of lectures or watched a couple of videos maybe you even watched a hundred videos and then you think like okay now I got the sense of this guy I know who he is I know his personal story I know his motivations I know all this kind of stuff when in fact you don't so like I said there are two main forms of projection that I want to distinguish here which is all the other people in your life like your spouse your family your boss your kids which is actually the majority of your life so you project a bunch onto all these people and that's important to look into because you're not going to have a satisfying life until you stop all that projecting but here I specifically want to focus on projecting onto teachers the second form because I think with teachers it's especially dangerous why is it dangerous well it is dangerous because see your spouse your family and your boss and your kids they do not have the information that you need to self-actualize most likely they do not have the sites and wisdom and knowledge that you will need in order to extract yourself from this deep psychological hole that you find yourself in from all the delusion that you're in from ego they will not help you with that most likely now in some rare cases maybe they could but in most cases they won't and in fact they'll only drive you deeper down into that hole but the teachers and mentors they are really your only lifeline they can help you so now imagine that the only lifeline you have you cut that lifeline that's why it's dangerous see because they are your only source of improving yourself really because in many cases the people around you can't help you the people closest to you can't help you and even you are helpless to help yourself so how do you help yourself well first of all by getting the right information which is why actualize that or it exists which is why thousands of self-help books exist which is why thousands of seminars are held across the country all around the world it's a multi-billion dollar industry providing you with very valuable information except what's the biggest trap that people fall into with this information well they just dismiss it they cut that lifeline and they say something as silly as like all self-help self-help we all know that [ __ ] doesn't work oh self-help so silly and yeah I've read a couple of self-help books but what do they really do for me nothing those people who read self-help books they're the most neurotic ones at all some little dismissive thing like that and you have cut yourself off from uh uh you know billions and billions of bits of incredibly valuable data which you need to transform your life and the ego knows what's going on because the egos job is to stay put the ego doesn't want to transform and change and self actualize so all the ego has to do with it really wants to stay be the same and not to grow is that it just has to tarnish the messenger the teacher or the mentor that's the person who can change you the most not in the sense that they're going to do all the work for you but that just they have the capacity to present a new piece of information or a new insight for you that will actually jostle something in your mind so that now you're on a new path in life see your life won't change overnight but over the years it can change quite a lot but the ego what will it do it'll tarnish the messenger so that you don't listen to the messenger and then you can just stay on your dead-end path and life right now won't you do a very little exercise very quickly recall for me all the judgments you've made about teachers or mentors in your entire life just let your mind cope with stuff and I mean all the books you've read of all the seminars you might have gone to of all the YouTube videos you might have watched of all the different information you might have received from religious sources from scientific sources from self-help sources from whatever from me try to recall any kind of snap judgments that you've made about those teachers about how they look about their life about how they talk about the information they present all that stuff both good and bad ones just try to get a sense of how many of these judgments you make that's the only point in this will exercise right I'm not going anywhere further with this just to get you aware that you do make a lot of judgments about your teachers and I want you to just simply to become more aware of that over time as you're on this journey because you know what if you're really serious about self actualizing you're going to have to get your hands dirty you have to read a lot of books you have to watch a lot of videos and sort through a lot of content because you simply lack the information you need you don't even understand yet where you need to be going you don't even have a map of where you need to go in life so first you're gonna spend a couple of years just constructing that map and I hope to help you with that hopefully I have already helped you with that but just notice in the construction of that map you will be severely [ __ ] if you project a lot on to all the different people that you're learning from and I hope that you are learning from a variety of people not just from me or from - or from three but I'm talking dozens if not hundreds that's the ideal so you get a variety of perspectives and you kind of you start to see the common patterns between the teachings viewers project on me all the time and I've become very sort of sensitive to it actually I've just developed kind of a thick skin around it so that the kind of criticism doesn't bother me but I've become sensitive to the following thing I see because I read hundreds of comments every day I've probably read like over a hundred thousand comments left on actualised org like I you know I kid you not this has consumed hundreds of hours of my time now you might wonder well why do that that seems very wasteful well in a sense it kind of is is a bit of an addiction reading all these comments I like it but also I have learned a lot there's a certain connection with my audience that I feel I have and a certain understanding of people's problems that I wouldn't otherwise understood so I'm actually quite grateful for reading all the comments and I do enjoy it but what I've found is people make shocking projections on me like all their [ __ ] issues they project on me it's so funny and when I see that sometimes it's shocking to me not in that it hurts me that it's so painful to me but simply in that wow this person really believes this thing about me which is totally false but somehow they got the idea that it's true about me I don't know where they got this from because I didn't say it but somehow they came up with it their mind came up with it concocted that has nothing and now they really like think that that's who I am and that this is what my life is about and this is what my teachings are about and that's just kind of shocking to me because I can see the the unconsciousness happening there and then of course when I see that I always think oh could I be doing the same thing and then it's like oh yeah I do the same thing I do the exact same thing just in different situations to different degrees with different people and so uh seeing projections being made on me has made me aware of how I do it so that's been very helpful but I mean people have projected so much stuff on me like Leo you're doing all this just for money that one I've been seeing quite a lot also I've seen a common one of like well Leo you're supposed to be enlightened you're supposed to be this enlightened guy and and then I find out you're not enlightened or like you do this thing that doesn't seem like it it fits in with enlightenment or it's like leo you're not supposed to be doing drugs because you're talking about personal development so how dare you talk about psychedelics to or how dare you talk about sex and spirituality together on the same Channel or Leo you're not supposed to say [ __ ] in personal development that's not right you're not uh following your own advice of being compassionate of being loving what happened to this developing higher consciousness and developing the capacity for love and then you say [ __ ] and then all that goes out the window see what you got understand that these are your expectations these are your assumptions right not really mine you're setting these standards you're creating this and then you're holding me up against that and then whatever happens happens might be for the good or for the bad might make me look bad might make you look good right some of the stuff people say about me is good and a lot of great stuff is being said about me which honestly probably doesn't deserve to be said like some people say Oh Leo you'd make such a great father how the [ __ ] would you know if I would make a great father or some people like Oh leo because you talk about all this stuff your your life must be so good you must be so happy uh and I'm not saying I'm unhappy see gotta be very careful here what I'm talking you have to take me literally rather than having all these kind of assumptions behind what I'm saying I didn't say my life was bad I didn't say my life was good I'm just kind of like leaving it open but then see people then interpret that as like oh this is me leo is actually depressed I'll see but then that would be your interpretation that I'm not saying one way or the other or you know sometimes people are like well Leo you use the word God or use the word spirituality so kind of words that I don't like to hear from teachers about personal development I like the scientific rationale kind of person but why talking about God and spirituality this has no place here and I know that I in the past I've been that way with the self-help teachers at any time they said the word God I would just steer clear close the book but that's my issue right or that's your issue if you had that kind of issue with me or sometimes people are like Oh Leo you ignored one of my comments and done it and if you ignore my comment that means this is this is this why are you doing it and it's like it's got nothing to do with me I might have just like been busy that day but the person has this whole story about like what why did you ignore my comment um and that's interesting right that's interesting to me just because it started it starts to show how much we really construct these kind of fantasy images of the people we interact with in life rather than the way that they actually are we see them as they are for us which gets us into a lot of trouble in the end a lot of trouble so yeah those are some of the projections that people have made about me and that's all fine I expect that I'm not saying I mean I'm going to whine about or anything but it's just uh be careful especially about the more nuanced stuff that I talk about especially the Enlightenment stuff be very careful about what kind of projections you make on to me and not just on to me but on to any teacher that you listen to and I hope you're listening to lots and lots of different teachers I want you to recognize that you don't really know anything about your tea like if you read somebody's book you almost have no idea of anything about that person's personal life you don't know him just from reading his book even if you read ten books of his nor from watching a hundred of my videos do you really know anything about me or my motives or my level of development or my personal story alright you don't know these things you really don't know these things but it's very easy to assume stuff especially with the video format it's easier to start to assume stuff and even if you meet people in person like at a seminar you still don't really know anything about the person even if you spend a whole week at a seminar with them that's a very specific context that you're in see and these stories that you concoct about people and your teachers just be very careful because what they really do is they are subtle sneaky distractions from turning inward and doing the work that you got to be doing on yourself because when you're busy thinking and fantasizing about other people and how they're doing something wrong or even how they're doing something right now even if you love the person and you think he's awesome that's still a story and is still a distraction from listening to the information they present to you because you know what you might love something I'm saying and then I say something wrong and then you agree with it just because maybe you have an affinity towards some personality quirk of mine or whatever and that's a that's a um that's a setback for you see it really helps when you get projected on to see this so right now as little exercise I want you to think of some time in your life where somebody assumed something about you projected something on to you that was completely false but they really thought it was true of you and they thought that you really were this this kind of way but it wasn't true at all and to you it was kind of ridiculous and also a bit shocking how they could be so clueless or how they could be so wrong think of a time like that I'm sure you've experienced that at least once in your life and the more you can recall those times the more you can start to appreciate that you also do that and you do it on both very gross levels and also very subtle levels uh especially when you already kind of like the teacher you probably won't do it on the gross level you probably won't call him an idiot you probably won't outright demonize him but there will be some little stuff that you will nitpick and project that might take you years to realize that you're actually doing here's the key inside that I want to give you in this episode is that when you're relating to other people 99% of the time you're actually relating to yourself you're not really relating to them it takes a lot of spiritual purification work a lot of consciousness work to get to the point where you can relate to a human being not as he or she is for you but as they simply are that takes years of work to get to that point okay this is huge this is huge this will transform all your relationships what I'm saying here if you really take this on as something to correct in your life and the way you search corrected is just by simply becoming more aware of at first right awareness here is very curative in this case with projection all you really got to do is just to start to see how you're actually doing it with every individual in your life and especially with individuals who you disagree with so anybody you're in disagreement with in your life whether your spouse your family members your teachers your mentors some author you read that you didn't like whatever um you have to remind yourself and remember that it's all about you the disagreement is about you it's not about them it's not about what you read in a book it's not about what you heard on TV is not it's not what the political candidate said on the television news or some outrageous thing they did that you disagree with it's not about that it's all about you and how you're reacting to yourself your own expectations your own assumptions and your own story that you created about that person and when you start to take responsibility for that and ownership for that that's when your relationships really start to turn around and that's also when you can really start to learn from people because until then your minds not really open to what they have to say not really because you're only listening for what will serve you and when you start to notice this you're going to be in shock at first at just how rarely you actually interact with people without projecting on them projections not just something that happens 5% of the time what I'm saying is that projection happens 99.9 percent of the time in your life pick a person and we could probably write 10 pages of projections that you make on that person and the closer that person is to you the more projections you make on them your family members you make the most projections on which is why it's so difficult for you to relate successfully with them so let's try an exercise right now because it's just me and you here together we only have one option for this exercise so right now what I'd like you to do is just to sit there and look at me and to see me for myself and not how I am for you see me for myself not how I am for you this means you have to notice any positive or negative projections that you've been making about me about how I look about how I sound about the quality of the things I say any stories or some shion's that you've made about me my personal life how good or bad you think I am what you think I eat for dinner what do you think I do when I go to bed at night or wake up in the morning what kind of car do you think I Drive like drop all that and just look at me exactly as I am like literally with no assumptions just do this for 30 seconds this means you have to relate to me as an unknown because you see my head here you hear the words I'm saying and that's all you have of me really maybe you have some memories of stuff I said in the past okay fine you can you can have those that's fine but nothing more because you really know nothing more about me which means that you don't really know who you're dealing with here and that's exactly what I want you to experience right now experience me as an unknown and let that be okay it's not good it's not bad it just is and notice the difference between listening to me that way looking at me that way versus a probably the typical way that you interact with me okay that's the whole exercise now we did it with me because I'm the only person here uh who you can look at but I encourage you to also try this out with other people in your life try it out with your family members try it out with your boss co-workers so forth and especially try it out with any teachers that you're listening to besides myself this is how I want you to listen to teachers is as unknowns they are just like messengers who are livering a message to you there are really strangers there just like good samaritans maybe hold them as good Samaritans who are trying to feed you a little bit of information and your objective whenever you're listening to a teacher especially talking about a deep advanced topic is to always be conscious of your own agenda at work as you're listening to that teacher it's like what are my needs what are my values what are my ideals here in this situation what are my fears and insecurities and how is that coloring what the teacher is teaching me or what this book is trying to teach me or what this video is trying to tell me you're going to start to notice that a lot of stuff comes up a lot of subtle stuff that you probably weren't conscious of before you'll start to see your agenda at work and how much it distorts and what I want you to do is I want you to pay attention to that is to turn it back around any criticism adjustment you have turn those back around on you and recognize them like oh yeah I'm criticizing that person for being too religious and what does that say about me oh that says something about me it says nothing about them it's all about me you're like I'm criticizing that person on television for doing something I disagree with what does that say about me not them about me see what's really interesting is that the most advanced teachings you can have in life are also going to be the most threatening to your ego that's why they're advanced teachings you don't hear them very often because most people are so threatened by them that they can't become mainstream you're not going to hear them on CNN on CNN you hear non-threatening stuff despite what you might think you know if you see violence on TV that's not a threatening thing to you I could tell you things that would be much more threatening to you than any kind of violence that you'll see on television right so the most advanced teachings are threatening and that means that you need to be on guard for how much projection you're going to be doing when you're hearing these teachings and by the way that's also the reason why these teachings remain advanced for centuries because people aren't hearing them because even when you do hear them they're so threatening that you don't really hear them you run away why uh well you don't run away I mean you have to have to rationalize it to yourself so you don't say to yourself oh this is such an amazing advanced teaching and I'm too scared you don't never works that way your ego is very subtle about this so what your ego will do is it'll say oh look at this is look at this guy he's so full of himself like how arrogant he is I bet you this guy in his personal life he probably has terrible relationships he probably can't do any of this of you talking about he's probably a total hypocrite behind the scenes and so I'm not going to listen to him something along those lines or maybe even something more subtle than that here are some telltale signs of when you're projecting with teachers I found firstly it's when you have imaginary arguments with a teacher or with a book or something that you've read imaginary arguments in your head it's like I don't know this and this and this is like you're here and the teacher is here and you're kind of debating with them in your head so when you notice that you know you're projecting secondly is when you start to get into the teachers life story you start to want to know like what does he do it is personal like how many kids does he have like Leah what kind of car do you drive like what kind of clothes do you wear what about this what about that getting to the personal life that's when you know you're projecting and thirdly I would say when you start to criticize based on little nitpicky things like it's like oh I don't like the words you use there and I don't like this thing here and you say little things you're nitpicking those are the tell-tale signs watch out for extremely subtle levels of projection those of you who have already been on this path with me for a couple of years that are going pretty deep and you've rattled hundreds of books and you watched thousands of videos from all sorts of different places uh you still have to be on guard I want you to watch out for the extremely subtle levels of projection that you make little tiny judgments and things like that because that's closing your mind down to the deepest teachings that are available believe it or not the thing that holds you back from hearing the deepest teachings is simply a closed mind and that gets reinforced through projection big time big time I see it almost every single day in the comments people leave me under the videos a lot of comments are positive don't get me wrong most of them are but some people it saddens me it kind of breaks my heart because like um I might share a piece of wisdom that took me several years going 2,000 multiple thousand dollar seminars to acquire this one little piece of information and then I provide that a piece of information for free to somebody and then that person says something like oh you're doing is just for money and they don't even listen even though I released it for free and this is an ollie oh you're just doing this for money you're just doing this to get me on your newsletter thing and then to sell me some sort of course or something I know I know what you're all about something like that right and then they miss this up this a rare gem of an insight that could have changed their whole life simply because they were projecting in their mind was closed so don't be like that instead I want you to listen inclusively I want you to listen with generosity which means that you don't just sit there and nitpick and try to find the flaws and what is being told to you but you actually sit there with a UH with assuming the burden of understanding on yourself right a good student always takes it upon himself to really understand what the teacher is saying even if the teacher says something wrong even if the teacher slips up here there even if the teacher says something that doesn't make sense that the student will be like oh wait a minute how do I get this to make sense because he's taken the responsibility for understanding on himself right especially when I'm talking about an advanced topic like enlightenment your job is to really carefully parse what I'm saying to do the work of trying to fit it into your existing model of reality cos because those are gonna have to change and basically crumble in order to take on some of these new things that are being shared with you some of these new insights take that on to be open to it not to blindly believe it but to be open to it to listen with generosity and inclusivity rather than taking sides and then washing out very carefully for any kind of assumptions you make especially with topics about enlightenment there's all sorts of little assumptions you can make like I talked about enlightenment and then you might listen to that whole episode for an hour and then you might think oh well that means that when I'm enlightened I'm perfectly happy all the time and maybe that's your assumption or maybe it means all when I'm enlightened then personal development work becomes irrelevant I didn't say that that's your assumption or it's like all when I'm enlightened that means I'm gonna have a perfect marriage and I'll never get divorced I didn't say that that's your assumption right be careful with these kinds of conclusions very careful the deeper the teaching the more careful you have to be very very very careful and you know what you will make these assumptions and jump to conclusions of all kinds I do too and the the only the only thing you got to do is just to be open enough to go back and to revise those right if you have an attitude of openness and you practice radical open-mindedness then yeah you'll have these assumptions but they won't be like impassable road blocks on this path like they are for most people you might think well that's how it is for most people no it's not for most people their minds are so closed that literally you couldn't talk to them about the word enlightenment without all their projections to the point where they can't even understand even the idea of enlightenment I'm not even talking about any kind of techniques or spending thousands of hours doing something about it I'm just talking about just the idea just introducing the idea of enlightenment is not possible with probably 90% of the people on earth and that's not just because they're stupid and religious they're also very scientific and that could even be worse or even if they're open to that sort of stuff they still have all their ideas and all their projections and they still will not really even grasp the concept of how significant something like enlightenment could be in their life and that's personally very sad to me when I see that it kind of breaks my heart that's why I harp so much on radical open-mindedness that's why it's such a big thing for me that's why I keep insisting on it and I will in the future so anyways that's it but hold on I have a worksheet for you so click the link down below there's a free worksheet with some questions that will help you to identify the different projections that you make on to people in your life and especially your teachers and mentors so go ahead and do that these exercises are critical for you to actually ground the abstract stuff that I usually say so that's it I'm signing off please click the like button for me right now post your comments down below I do read them like I said share this episode with a friend and lastly come to actualize it right here and check out my newsletter check out some of the resources I have for you there I'll be releasing more resources in the future so you want to stay tuned for that in general I want a commitment from you to take control of growth in your life when you were a kid and teenager you grew a lot your life was growing every single year you were learning new stuff you were having huge insights and paradigm shifts about reality and then what happened after college all that basically stopped and you told yourself all well I'm matured and here I am and basically I've maxed out well I Got News for you you have not maxed out you're not even [ __ ] close not even 1% you're not even 1% they're not even 1% there is so much for you to learn about yourself so many incredible things and sometimes people tell me Oh Leo now you're talking about like maybe quitting actualize other organs because you run out of content you run out of ideas you shot 200 videos or something and now you're out of ideas that's preposterous I look at that and I laugh because I have at least 200 video topics right now in my journals very deep mind-blowing [ __ ] you would listen to these topics and you would think that all the stuff I released up to now is like kindergarten compared to the stuff that I have uh to come a lot of stuff and that's like four years worth of no that's like if I release 50 videos a year one per week fifty a year so that's like 200 that's like what two two years worth no four years worth yeah 50 years of four years worth and I could easily generate a lot more my biggest challenge is how do I get all this stuff out there because I only have so much time to to assemble and post all this content and quite frankly you probably don't - let's do it all either all at once so anyways my point is that there's a lot to this self actualization thing there's a lot of ways in which you can radically transform your life which would take me hours just to explain them all to you all the benefits of this work I hope you have some insight into how powerful these kinds of understandings could be you have an intuition about that and that you're willing to follow through on that intuition and commit to it and the very simple form of commitment you could make I hope you make a moment but at the very least watch one of these episodes per week so that you're starting to build a big picture understanding of what you should be doing in your life and how you should be growing and what the potential is for you that alone will eventually start to really transform but that'll take some time so it might take you a year of watching videos to just realize oh it you know this is so important I gotta commit my whole life to this but if you are at that point already great stick around and actually start to take action do the worksheets do the exercises do them twice do them three times start reading books check out some of the resources I have for you start going to seminars start meditating start building techniques and habits and then your life will transform in amazing ways so stick with me and I'll see you soon with more you